Skyrim perk enhancements and rebalanced gameplay
Skyrim perk enhancements and rebalanced gameplay

skyrim perk enhancements and rebalanced gameplay

You’ll no longer see enemy information or active effects while in combat, for example.

  • Reduced HUD: With all of my interface presets, your HUD will be minimized, limiting on-screen information.
  • On a side note, skills also can not be made Legendary.
  • Strict Level Cap: Maximum level is 50 with a total of 55 perk points granted.
  • Survival Mode: I use Survival from the Creation Club, meaning you’ll need to eat, sleep, and keep warm among other changes.
  • Key differences between SSS and base TPF: These happen in Vanilla and they will happen in TPF. You may still experience the occasional freeze or crash, but they will be very rare (perhaps once every 20 to 30 hours).
  • Stability: Skyrim SE itself is already very stable compared to Classic Skyrim.
  • Through INI changes, reasonable texture resolutions, a performance-friendly grass overhaul as well as a skippable ENB section and the choice to use lower settings in DynDOLOD, you can tweak your game until you reach a stable framerate. For higher resolutions, better hardware is required.
  • Performance: The Phoenix Flavour was created for gameplay rather than screen-archery and will for most people deliver solid framerates on a 1080p monitor resolution.
  • They ensure compatibility as well as consistency between all included mods.
  • Custom Files and Patches: Both the final patch as well as some patches and plugin replacers installed during the mod setup have been made specifically for the guide by Umgak and.
  • skyrim perk enhancements and rebalanced gameplay

    The Phoenix Flavour strives to provide a solid upgrade of the vanilla experience with modern visuals and rebalanced gameplay.

  • A Better Skyrim: The guide includes hundreds of mods across several dozen categories, all carefully selected to fit vision of a lore-friendly, improved but not radically changed Skyrim.
  • Even though TPF's manual guide is no longer supported, I wrote this assuming you’ve read TPF and understand the tools it has included. In order to use the Installation Guide you’ll first need to install TPF. Slidikins’ Strenuous Skyrim (SSS) is an addon for The Phoenix Flavour (TPF), a wonderfully curated modding guide for The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim: Special Edition.

    Skyrim perk enhancements and rebalanced gameplay